Friday 15 April 2011

Missing My Studio!!!

It's now the Easter vacation from Uni and I've cleared my studio in preparation for the third-years' degree show. It will be really exciting to see another degree show but I'm feeling sad about being out of the studio until October! I'm hoping to continue experimenting over the summer months while I'm at home but at the moment I'm being distracted by an up-coming presentation about my influences and contextual references. I'm going to talk about artists such as John Stezaker, Giorgio de Chirico and David Thorpe as well as architects like Le Corbusier and the Smithsons. If anyone can think of anything to add please let me know!!
In the mean time, here are some more pics of work I made for my Debut 03/11 show... let me know what you think!

Untitled (Portico), 2011. Photo-collage and paint on board.

Kite House, 2011. Photo-collage, permanent pen and paint on aluminium.