Wednesday 19 October 2011

Works in Progress...

Given the opportunity to get going in the studio, this is what I'm working on this week.

This test-piece on cardboard incorporates my new approach to working in paint and collage- I am using strips from my copied collages rather than using pieces of buildings etc as I was last year. I also want to experiment with cutting a section out of a different shape; this module is, for me, very much about experimenting with the imagery and my approach to collaging and incorporating that material.

(Apologies for slightly wonky photo!) This is one of my paintings on sheet metal (this example is on aluminium). It measures 500 x 500mm.

Paint and paper collage on steel. 500 x 500mm.

In addition to these I want to begin to experiment with screenprinting and photo-etching. However, I want to speak to my tutors about this before I begin such an extensive body of work in that area.

Feedback please!!

1 comment:

  1. I especially love the second image in this post. Collage is something that I've been considering for a while too.
